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CUPACLAD Natural Slate Cladding & Roofing Slates


100 Year Warranty
Environmentally Friendly & Sustainable: Crafted from natural slate, CUPACLAD is a testament to sustainability.
Non-Combustible: Ensuring safety and peace of mind.
High Durability & Maintenance-Free: With a lifespan of over 100 years, CUPACLAD boasts remarkable resilience against the elements.
Its waterproof nature and resistance to wear mean it requires minimal maintenance, and its color remains unchanged over its lifetime.
Versatile Formats & Sizes: Adaptable to various design requirements - Multiple layouts, sizes and shapes.  DESIGN PAGE
Flexible Installation: Whether horizontally or vertically, CUPACLAD offers versatility in installation methods.
Ventilated Rain Screen or Direct Attached: Tailorable to specific architectural needs, codes, and budgets.
Hidden and Exposed Attachment Systems: Providing options to suit aesthetic preferences.



DSi Architectural Products
Victor, NY